Saturday, May 12, 2018

Last regular day

1. Today is the last day to turn in late poster 

2. Today is the last day to turn in late packaging

3. Review for next Saturday's quiz, no need 
to bring a scantron

4. Check in with me for missing projects.

5. Check to make sure all of your homework drawings have been:
a. Scanned
b. Cleaned up
c. Inked
d. Organized into a balanced, neatly organized, single page.

6. Work Map project

Saturday, April 28, 2018

4/28 Class Recap and Homework

1. Today we completed the package project.
2. For homework, go to the Map tab at the top of the blog and read. 
3. For next week conduct the research necessary to create your DVC, topic  specific map. We will work on building the map in class.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

4/21 Class Recap and Homework

Your packages are looking good, they will be due at the end of class next week.

1. In your sketchbook please draw 12 different shoes (not pairs) neatly organized on one page. Use red pencil first then ink, you will scan, clean up and color them in class.

2. Next week I will introduce the next project. 

3. Search and bring in 2 different styles of maps. Yes they need to be printed out or found. For example. a map of Ikea or disneyland.

Have a great week. 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

4/14 Class Recap and Homework

Everyone... next week we will:
1. Look at your Posters.
2. Review your concept sketches for the packaging re-design project.

1. Go to the Packaging Design tab at the top of the page I have added a section entitled "Things To Think About" and a video at the bottom, please review, consider and be prepared to talk about the subject matter next Saturday.
2. Homework drawing project: In your sketchbook please draw 12 different package shapes that you might find at the grocery store, neatly organized on one page. Use red pencil first then ink, you will scan, clean up and color them in class. Keep in mind you do not need to draw any text, you may add the shape of the label, but no text.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

4/7 Class Recap and Homework

1. Your posters are looking really great!
2. If you have not completed yours please turn yours in next Saturday.

1. In your sketchbook please draw 12 pieces of neatly organized fruit on one page. Use red pencil first then ink, you will scan, clean up and color 
them in class.
2. Pick a boxed product that you would like to use as the basis for a re-design (The box should be emptied out)
3. It can be for a toy or food whatever you like.
4. In the class textbook (Graphic design Solutions) please read pages 267-274 on Branding. For our next project we will redesign a package.
5. Go to the "Package Design" tab and review

Saturday, March 24, 2018

3/24 Homework

Great job today...
Your posters are looking fantastic.

1. Next week is spring break and we do not meet on March 31st. We will meet again on April 7th.

2. When we meet again we will finish the poster project and I will introduce the next project to you.

3. Homework drawing project.
In your sketchbook, draw 6 birds, make sure they are neatly arranged on the page. Ink them, paying attention to line thickness, no color, go ahead and ink.

4. Remember, Monster Draw is Friday April 6th, come watch and draw from a movie. I will be offering drawing tips and advice. Its extra credit, so bring a friend and your sketchbook. We meet in Rm. A106 in the art building. 

Its always a great time! 
Its free 

3/24 Today

1. Today we will work on 
the poster project 
2. Please turn in your logo project 
if you have not done so.

Saturday, March 10, 2018

3/10 Class Recap and Homework

The Logos are looking great!
1. Next Saturday you will have the first half of class to complete your: 
A. logo project in Illustrator. 
B. Sandwich project
C. Scan, clean up and color your bugs and tools.
2. For the second half of class we will talk about and explore options for the Mid Term Project. 
3. Go to the "Poster Project" Tab at the top of the blog for an overview of the project.


Creating a color palette:

  1. Open a new Illustrator file, Print, CMYK, Vertical, Letter Size
  2. Open the photo or color sample you want (Image in scratch) and place.
  3. At the bottom of the tool bar, select the fill box with a 2x click
  4. On the bottom right hand side of the pop up box enter in the code for C M Y K as shown on the image you imported.
  5. Go to your rectangle tool and draw a 1” box with no outline, using the color as fill.
  6. Do this for each box, create a row of boxes, do not let the boxes touch, neatness counts.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

3/3 Class Recap and Homework

Your How to make a sandwich images are looking great! Here are some of them.

1. Pick one of the icons from last weeks homework that best fits the project. 
2. In your sketchbook draw 6 variations of that one icon. We will look at them in class next week.
3. Drawing project: in your sketchbook draw 8 tools. Make sure they are neatly arranged on the page. Ink them, paying attention to line thickness.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

2/24 Recap and Homework

Great work day everyone...

1. Your how to guides are looking good.
next Saturday, you will have the first half of class to finish them.
2. If you did not complete the bug drawing project from the last class you can bring your inked bugs into class next Saturday.
3. Next Saturday we will begin the logo project. 
-Overview: we will be redesigning the DVC foundation logo. In order for you to understand the clients needs I sent them 6 questions as a way to give you some insight as to the expectations and hopes for what a new logo design might be. 

Below is the current logo

Below are the questions and the responses

-Do: In your sketch book, using your red or blue pencil, draw a minimum of 6 different kinds of graphic logos with text that can be used as a starting point for a redesign. Each combo logo should be drawn no smaller than 2" X 3" 
-As you doodle some ideas, really think about the responses to the questions. You should also look at the DVC web site, as you do, look for the trends with the more modern designs, logos and slogans
-We will look at your penciled combo logo's next Saturday.

Below are some examples of one logo 
with many redesign possibilities. 

Saturday, February 10, 2018

2/12 Recap and Homework

Great job today everyone... 

1. You all did great job with the drawing exercises we did, you kept the drawings loose, and lightly drawn.
*Below are a few more hand samples
2. The second thing we did was to trace the pear shape and practice drawing it in Illustrator and add color with highlights and shadows. Here are some of them.

3. The next thing you did was import your the photo's of your ingredients and begin to digitally redraw them. It was great seeing your sandwich ingredients come to life. Here are some of them. 

4. The next time we meet we will use the digital drawings of your ingredients and combine them with text to create your How To Make a Sandwich graphic.

1. On two separate pages in your sketchbook, I would like you to draw out one different composition on each page for your How To Make a Sandwich graphic. Draw full page and if you have the Red pencil please use it. If you do not have one, draw lightly.

2. Think about how both the Elements of Design and the Principles of Design can be used to shape your composition. I have placed a tab at the top of the blog labeled "COMPOSITION" with some of the same examples that I used in class. You can also go to the link below for some inspiration. 

3. In the spirit of the loose drawing that we did at the start of class today, I would like you draw 6 different kinds of bugs in your sketchbook that fill the page and are equally spaced. Neatness and organization are important. The drawing of the bugs has nothing the do with your How To Make a Sandwich graphic. The drawing is for you to draw out side of your comfort zone and to practice drawing. Note that the drawing on the left is the original drawing, the one on the right is the same drawing inked. You do not need to ink your drawings. If you have the red pencil, please use it.
3. I have given you a little extra homework because we do not meet the weekend of February 16-19 because it is a school holiday. We will meet again on Saturday, February 24.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

2/3 Homework

Great Job today! 

*Look at the top of the blog, I have placed a tab called "How To Graphic". Click on the tab and read the information. It will explain what you need to do to prepare for the next class.

*Below are some of the images you created as you played with text, shapes and filters.



Text and Symbol


Symbol and Text