Visual Poetry

Create Visual Poetry

Visual or shape poetry, was created as a way to combine image and poetry. The importance of language is emphasized in this type of art, as the shapes the words make are just as important as what they say.

1. Watch Videos, as you do, think about how we play with language.

2. What phrases can you think of that can evoke a mood, a place or a state of mind, write down 12 different phrases.

3. Rate them in importance, which one would you like work with from the most to the least. On Saturday when we meet next, everyone will share phrases, in the end, no one will be able to use the same phrase, everyone will have one that belongs them.

4. In your sketchbook, doodle on 2-3 pages variations of each phrase. Watch video on doodling

5. Make a collage out of your phrase using letters cut from magazines. This should be done full page in your sketchbook. The sketchbook collage will give you a chance to work with your phrase while playing with scale, color, layout.

6. Transition your project into Illustrator.
a. Create new art board, you choose the format that will best serve your phrase, letter/legal or vertical/horizontal.
b. You may choose to import one of the sketches or the collage as a template, this is optional.
c. Layer 1 click/drag a single color background, you can change the color later if you need to.
d. For the next couple of layers break up the lines of text onto different layers based on the phrasing. Don't worry about the font or color of the font at this point, just get the phrase onto the art board.
e. Once everything is on the layers, work one layer at a time changing the font, color and shape. MAKE SURE TO LOCK AND UNLOCK YOUR LAYERS AS YOU GO. 
f. Once you are fairly happy with the placement of your text you should now add as many new layers as needed and import/create in illustrator, any graphic symbols that you want to add to add meaning to your phrase.
g. Export your final as a PNG, 300 DPI. and make sure to check the "Use art board" box 
h. Turn in a folder with the following:
*Scans of concept sketches done in sketchbook
*Scan of Collage 
*The ai. file used to create the final work
*Exported png 

Here is a great talk by Marian Bantjes
 about her life and work, it's good stuff.

Here is a great talk by Jessica Hische about 
her life and work, it's interesting.

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