Saturday, March 25, 2017

Package Design

Next Saturday:
1. Critique your posters.
2. I will give you a little time to add some finishing touches and then we will begin our next project. (See Below) 

Project: Recreate a package design 
1. Chose an existing product. 
    (Have fun with the product you pick, it does not need to be boring...)
2. Empty the contents. 
        (Bring the empty packing to class next Saturday).
3. On a printed out copy of the 
regular box or long box, using your pencil, sketch out your concept for a new packaging design that is based on the product you have chosen. 
(You only need to pick one template).

4. Next Saturday, bring your empty package and concept sketch to class.
5. If you want to get ahead, do several versions of your package, maybe a character design for the product.
6. Before next Saturday, review the following link and videos.

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